Restraining Orders & Child Custody
Few issues shape and impact a custody case more dramatically than allegations of domestic violence or abuse. California courts prioritize the safety and welfare of children above all, and while they also have a guiding principle to encourage shared parenting, allegations of child or spousal abuse can lead to findings that custody — or even visitation with the accused parent — is not in the child's best interest.
At the Burch Shepard Family Law Group, our lawyers take family safety concerns extremely seriously and act quickly on behalf of clients who need restraining orders or other forms of legal protection. Conversely, we have represented numerous clients victimized by Burch Shepard Family Law Group or exaggerated accusations motivated by one spouse's desire to gain leverage in divorce and custody matters. In either situation, fast action is essential.
Vigorous Representation Of Parents Victimized By Abuse Or False Allegations
Our knowledge and capabilities extend across the spectrum of emergency restraining orders (EPOs), temporary restraining orders (TROs), permanent restraining orders and criminal allegations within families. We provide vigorous representation in our clients' best interests regardless of the complexity of any "she said-he said" scenario.
It can be critical to have an experienced, skilled litigator on your side if:
- You are the victim of violence, threats or other intimidating behavior — or feel you must act to protect your children from an estranged spouse.
- You have been accused of domestic abuse and are facing the imposition or reality of any form of protective order.
- You know or believe there will be conflicts to resolve involving child custody and visitation in your divorce.
- Your situation has escalated since the likelihood of divorce surfaced, creating elements of unpredictability about the position your spouse will take or how far he or she may be willing to go to gain advantage.
Finding The Best Path To Resolution Based On Your Needs And Goals
We offer balanced counsel and are often able to help diffuse volatile family situations through negotiations. However, we stand always prepared to assert and defend our clients' interests in court when children's interests are on the line.
To speak with an Orange County restraining order attorney with extensive experience favorably resolving custody disputes, call us at (949) 565-4158 today.

What Makes Us Different
Committed To Our Clients
Dedicated To Obtaining Real Results
100+ Years Of Collective Experience
Specialized Knowledge