Financial Health During Divorce
There are steps you can take to maintain financial health during divorce, including safeguarding important documents, watching your credit score and reviewing investments.
Going through a
divorce can be an emotionally painful and difficult time. While this experience
is never easy, it is important to think about the financial consequences
of separating from a spouse. There isn't much you can do to be prepared
emotionally for a divorce, but there are a few things you should look
at that can help to keep your finances in order during this tough time.
Compile paperwork. While paperwork may be the last thing on your mind, it's important to
gather all of your important documents and financial statements so you
can see where you stand. Taking a comprehensive audit of your
financial assets and liabilities - and your spouse's - is an important step. Having all of these items
together will save you time and headaches later.
Look into your retirement assets. You and your spouse may have been contributing to retirement plans, such
as IRAs or 401(k)s, during your marriage and you may be entitled to a
portion of your spouse's retirement assets. Your divorce decree will specify
the details but you'll want to be aware of what kinds of plans you both
have and where these funds are held.
Check your credit status. When going through a divorce, your finances will eventually be separated
from your spouse's. As a result, you'll want to get copies of your credit
report and check it for any errors. If you do find any errors, you should
promptly notify the credit reporting agencies. If your ex-spouse has credit
problems, you'll also want to write a letter of explanation to the reporting
agency so it can be placed in your file. In addition, if you don't already
own a credit card of your own, you should get one so you can start establishing
your own credit history.
Update your beneficiary designations and estate plan. With any major change in your life you should review your beneficiary
designations as well as your estate plan, to ensure that they are still
accurate. Because your spouse may have been your primary beneficiary,
you should reevaluate these decisions and consider other alternatives.
Determine your income needs. Your household income will likely have changed, so you should take a
close look at your expenses - your mortgage, utility bills, food and medical
expenses. In addition, if you have
children, there may be some educational expenses you should be prepared for as
well. By knowing how much income you'll need on a monthly or yearly basis,
you'll be better prepared to allocate your money and plan for upcoming
financial expenses.
Review your investment portfolio. Your financial goals, risk tolerance and time horizon may have changed
along with your marital status and your portfolio should reflect your
new circumstances. You should work with your financial consultant to implement
any immediate adjustments necessary, as well look into your overall plan
for the future. You may also need to reevaluate prior decisions to make
sure your investments will still meet your updated goals.
As you can see, there are several steps you can take to make sure you have
your finances buttoned up during a difficult personal time. There are
many resources available - including your financial consultant - that
can help you make the best decisions for your financial well-being.
Richard (Fritze) Reimers, CFP®
30448 Ranch Viejo Road, Suite 110
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Toll free: 866-886-7593
Direct: 949-234-2343
Fax: 949-234-0326
For a consultation with a Newport Beach family lawyer from the Burch Shepard Family Law Group, call (949) 565-4158 or contact us online.

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