Our respected Newport Beach, California family law firm's proximity to
Camp Pendleton and other military installations is one factor in our substantial knowledge
of the issues unique to military divorce cases. In addition, we have represented
numerous active and retired service members and their spouses, leading
to referrals based on our success in managing their specific challenges
and achieving favorable outcomes.
Whether your concerns center on the fair division of military benefits, protection of your rights under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, achieving a fair and reasonable child custody arrangement or other difficult issues, you can turn to Burch Shepard Family Law Group, with confidence. Contact us today.
Pursuing And Defending Your Rights And Future
Our experienced Orange County military divorce lawyers recognize that, in addition to all the issues faced by civilians in divorce, you may have a wide range of concerns specific to:
- The timing and execution of a divorce if you or your spouse is currently deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere overseas.
- Complexities of military compensation such as accounting for housing allotments and combat duty pay, when it comes to determining child support and/or spousal support.
- How divorce is likely to impact your own and/or children's overall standard of living and financial stability, including issues of housing, base access and insurance.
We realize that wartime military service and the pressures of a military career can both take their tolls on a marriage. Our Newport Beach attorneys are committed to treating you with respect and providing comprehensive, realistic guidance based on your goals and the best attainable outcomes under the law.
Legal Knowledge And Professionalism You Can Trust
Our knowledge of federal and military divorce law, as well as California family law, equips us well to address your unique challenges and concerns. Our highly professional firm will employ current technology to interact with you and keep you informed through every phase of your case.
Please contact us at (949) 565-4158 to schedule a consultation with an experienced military divorce lawyer.