Can Your Spouse Get the House If It's in Your Name?

When going through a divorce, one of the most significant and often contentious issues is the division of property. For many couples, the family home is not only the most valuable asset but also carries emotional significance, making it a hotly contested item.

So, if the house is in your name, can your spouse still get it in a divorce in California? The answer is more complex than a simple 'yes' or 'no'.

Understanding Community Property Laws

California is a community property state, which means that all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are considered "community property" and are equally owned by both spouses, regardless of whose name is on the title. Therefore, even if the house is in your name, if it was purchased during the marriage with marital funds, it's generally considered community property.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you owned the house before the marriage or if it was gifted to you or inherited (and kept separate), it may be considered "separate property" and may not be subject to division.

Factors That Influence Property Division

While the community property law provides a general framework, the court considers various factors when dividing property:

  • Date of purchase: If the house was purchased during the marriage, it's likely considered community property. However, if it was bought before the marriage, it might be considered separate property.
  • Source of funds: If the house was purchased with separate funds, even during the marriage, it could be considered separate property.
  • Marital agreement: If there's a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement in place that specifies how the house should be divided, the court will typically honor this agreement.

Additionally, the court may consider factors such as each spouse's economic situation, the needs of minor children, and contributions to the home (such as improvements or mortgage payments) made by either spouse.

What Happens to the House?

In a divorce, the court aims for an equal division of all community property. However, this doesn't mean every single item must be split in half. Instead, each spouse should receive an equal share of the total value of all community property.

If the house is classified as community property, several outcomes are possible:

  • Sell the house: The simplest option is often to sell the house and split the proceeds equally.
  • Buy-out: One spouse may buy out the other's share, effectively becoming the sole owner.
  • Co-ownership: In some cases, especially when minor children are involved, the court may order the couple to continue co-owning the house.

Remember, each divorce case is unique, and the division of property can be complex. Consulting with a knowledgeable California divorce lawyer can help you understand your rights and navigate the process effectively.

If you are seeking a divorce and are worried about what will happen to your house or other property, the experienced divorce attorneys at Burch Shepard Family Law Group are here to help you through this process.

At Burch Shepard Family Law Group, we understand that divorce can be difficult and have the experience necessary to protect your rights and interests. Our team is committed to providing personalized, compassionate legal counsel to get you through this process as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

Contact us online or call us at (949) 565-4158 for a consultation. 
